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9 Tips for Becoming a Better Leader

By Ian Klaes

In any working environment in the world, team members look to their leader for guidance. Leaders are charged with helping the team achieve their goals and navigate difficult situations. But good leadership goes beyond hitting benchmarks. It also means earning the respect of your peers, being a positive influence, and helping others become great leaders, too.

And for this to be possible, leaders have to develop the right skills and qualities. We discussed leadership traits with our Director of Marketing, Devin Bevis. Here are some practical leadership tips he suggests to help you become an effective leader in your organization.

1. Be a good role model

Effective leaders exemplify the characteristics and behaviors that they encourage in their followers. They are a effective role models. They continually work to build a good and credible image for themselves and the entire organization.

To be a positive role model, identify admirable and inspirational qualities.Director of Marketing at Devin states, "As a leader, your actions set the standard. Strive to embody the qualities you wish to see in your team."

More importantly, avoid creating discrepancies that can cast doubt on your honesty as a leader. For example, don't preach work/life balance and set targets that seem to force employees to work long hours. 

2. Listen and communicate effectively 

"Effective communication is the cornerstone of leadership. It's not just about being heard, but about truly listening and understanding," advises Devin.

Leaders should communicate effectively with team members. When a leader is able to communicate their vision clearly, then team members can more effectively execute that vision. They can also feel more motivated and ready to play their part in the organization.

Good leaders also listen to the team's problems, concerns, criticism. They should be approachable and keep the lines of communication open. This open dialogue can help team members feel like they are in a safe space to share their ideas and input.

3. Exhibit a positive attitude 

Having a positive attitude even in times of hardships goes a long way in instilling optimism in your team members. Conversely, appearing apathetic or discouraged can cause others to feel deflated, negatively impacting productivity and morale.

"Optimism in leadership is not about ignoring challenges; it's about believing in solutions and inspiring your team to find them," Devin says. It means being a source of hope when things don't look so good. It means offering fresh ideas and perspectives to overcome a challenge.

RELATED CONTENT: 3 Keys to Creating a Successful Leader During a Crisis

4. Encourage creativity  

Devin instructs leaders to create an environment that fosters creativity. "Encouraging creativity is about creating an environment where team members feel safe to explore, innovate, and even fail. It's in those spaces that real innovation happens."

For instance, you could encourage a team member to take on a project that is outside of their comfort zone. Providing professional development opportunities can help inspire creativity. You could also host team brainstorming sessions or do team-building exercises.

A big part of helping others maintain creativity is making sure they have the tools and resources to succeed. 

5. Be passionate 

A good leader should strive to show passion and compassion. "Passion in leadership means being deeply committed to your vision and genuinely caring about your team’s journey towards achieving it." People will naturally respond positively to someone who has deep passion for what they are doing and compassion for their team.

You can show this quality by being the first to show appreciation for your team and enthusiasm for projects you are working on. Avoid being a leader who is only there to see that projects are carried over the finish line. Play an active role and be collaborative in your approach to issues pertaining to group members. No one should feel like they are inferior to you.

6. Motivate your followers 

Team members who are motivated are more likely to push themselves to achieve organizational goals. As a leader, raise the morale of your team. This requires you to know your team members and understand what their drive is.

"Understanding what drives each team member allows you to tailor your approach and truly inspire them to reach their full potential."

For example, someone could be motivated by earning more money while another is motivated by being able to impact the community. One team member could respond well to group feedback while another prefers private, 1:1 feedback.

7. Encourage people to make contributions 

Leaders who encourage their team members to actively contribute ideas and solutions tend to achieve success at a higher rate than those who suppress contributions from others. Research shows that a democratic approach in an organization leads to greater commitment, better problem-solving skills, and improved productivity. 

Devin reminds us that,"a great leader values the input of every team member, knowing that diverse perspectives lead to better decisions and stronger outcomes." This helps everyone feel like their input matters. However, if you choose not to follow a team member's advice, help them understand why. Otherwise, your asking for input can be viewed as a hollow gesture.

8. Assess yourself regularly  

"Continuous self-assessment in leadership is essential. It’s about being honest with yourself, learning from every experience, and constantly evolving," Devin says.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself to assess your leadership skills:

  • Do you provide the best example in terms of your character and demeanor? 
  • Do you do your best to help your team members achieve personal and organizational goals? 
  • Do you delegate tasks accordingly? 
  • Do you allow others to make and learn from their mistakes? 

Conducting a self-assessment provides an opportunity to gauge your progress and capabilities. Then, you can make adjustments to help improve your leadership style.  

9. Keep trying new things

"Leadership is an evolving journey," Devin reminds leaders. "Don’t be afraid to experiment with new approaches and learn from the results." There's no one-size-fits-all leadership approach. Each situation will be unique and require different action.

As you implement different leadership techniques, try to observe how they were received. Did they yield positive results? Think of ways that you could improve for next time and then try it out! Don't be afraid to try something new if you think it could have a positive effect on your team.

Leadership Pitfalls

Being in a leadership position comes with numerous challenges that can greatly inhibit your success. Here are a few pitfalls to be aware of and avoid:

  • Avoid micromanaging your followers. Instead, provide guidance and help them develop their skills.
  • Avoid abusing the power of your position. Instead, coach your team members.
  • Avoid being ambiguous when communicating expectations. Instead, provide direction for execution.
  • Avoid making decisions that employees should be making. Instead, encourage employees to use their own autonomy.
  • Avoid withholding performance feedback. Instead, provide constant constructive feedback.

Ultimately, there is no one "right" way to becoming a good leader. In fact, many successful leaders create their own style of coaching and fine-tune it as circumstances change. But you can use these tips to guide you and adapt to your team's needs.

At Caring Senior Service, one of our primary goals is to help people become successful leaders in their capacities. Contact us to learn how you can improve your leadership qualities.  

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Tags: Franchise Ownership, Leadership