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Welcome to the Caring Franchise Blog

Learn more about senior home care and franchise ownership.

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Why You Might Not Be Awarded a Franchise

When looking to purchase a franchise, it's important to remember that the franchisor ultimately has say over your franchise...

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Tags: Franchise Ownership

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Top 7 Fears of Starting Your Own Business

Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.  –Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

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Tags: Franchise Ownership, Taking Risks

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9 Reasons to Join a Smaller Franchise

When buying a franchise, there are countless decisions to make. One of the most important choices you have is what size franchise...

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Tags: Franchise Ownership

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Why Do Small Businesses Fail?

There are over 33.2 million small businesses in the United states. Unfortunately, many of these businesses won't make it. It's...

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Tags: Franchise Ownership

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5 Qualities of Every Successful Senior Home Care Owner

We are constantly asks what it takes to be successful in home care. Many people ask if they need experience in healthcare....

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Tags: Home Care, Franchise Ownership

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What Is a Franchise? And How Does It Work?

Franchising has emerged as a powerful business model, reshaping entrepreneurship in America. But, the term franchise often deters...

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Tags: Franchise Ownership